impatient shoes, brooch

helping hand, brooch

come here, brooch

beating heart, brooch
Here they are...four new pieces currently on display at the Society for Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh. I am finishing a fifth piece as we speak and will have it photographed and a brief video before I leave on Tuesday. So, next week, I leave Tuesday for Pennsylvania to present and lead a quick workshop at Edinboro University with Sue Amendolara's and Cappy Counard's advanced students on Wed and then Thursday I head over to Pittsburgh & to the SCC to give a presentation as this year's LEAP award recipient. This may be exciting to some (hearing me talk) but I'm excited that the juror, Gail M. Brown, will also be giving a brief talk about her attitude towards contemporary craft and how that relates to her selection of me as the award recipient. She is such a nice woman and so very intelligent...it's always a pleasure to be in her company.
Anyhoo, above are images of the new works and I'll add all the videos and images of the fifth new piece before I leave on Tuesday. Enjoy!
Have a great trip and a great time. Congrats again.
Love the Come Here brooch, btw.
Thanks, Barbara...I've uploaded video to my website of all four brooches...check 'em out!
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